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About IVC


IVC PHOTOGRAPHY is founded by Mr. Ivan Chan by providing family banquets', small activities' and car clubs' photography services in 2014. Throughout the years, he has been invited to work with CUHK for annual sport event, Smart Fun Day and annual dinner for the Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group and the Benetton Group in 2017 and 2018. Moreover, Ivan had concentrated in various commercial projects. In field of food photography, he had invited to shoot the restaurant, Eagle's Garden in the Hilton Garden Inn Hong Kong Mongkok for menu shooting. Besides, he worked for different business and personal sectors.

Ivan’s images were based on the integration of traditional photographic techniques, by adding innovative ideas and clients ‘needs to create brilliant works.

In year of 2021, the corporate valued-added service - Buzy Production had built up. It aims to provide full packages of photography, videography, graphic design and event management to SME, online shop and NGOs. It provide a more efficient way in cooperate with professional talents during business running.


IVC PHOTOGRAPHY—是由攝影師Ivan Chan於2014年開展的攝影公司。由起初從事較小型拍攝,例如宴會、活動拍攝及汽車團體項目,於攝影工作奠定穩定基礎。經過數年後至2017年及2018年,獲中文大學委託拍攝年度大型體育活動—Smart Fun Day,以及拍攝怡和保險顧問集團(Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group)及班尼頓集團(Benetton Group)年度晚宴。此外,Ivan專注於商業式拍攝,於食物攝影方面,曾替香港旺角希爾頓花園酒店 (Hilton Garden Inn Hong Kong Mongkok) 的中菜廳—鷹巢(Eagle's Garden)拍攝新菜式。Ivan亦替不少公司及個人客戶進行不少影像工作。


於2021年,IVC PHOTOGRAPHY旗下新品牌—Buzy Production的誕生,為不少需要多元化商業服務的小公司、網店及社福機構帶來喜訊。Buzy Production提供一條龍攝影攝錄及平面設計服務,經營者可以省卻遊走在攝影師、攝錄師及平面設計師之間的溝通時間,以便專注其他業務工作。

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